Monday, December 7, 2009

Unique Boutique Challenge 2010

Friends and fans, loyal customers and first-time Fruit shoppers, we are launching our first ever Unique Boutique Challenge! This is an incredible opportunity for you to win a $100 Fruit gift certificate. That's right, $100! So here's the scoop on the why and the how...

As we mentioned in our very first blog, Fruit is backed, held up and sustained by a team of customers, helpers, encouragers, cheerleaders, vision-givers, idea-generators, sounding boards, direction-pointers, dear family and friends. Part of our mission is to "utilize the talents and resources we've been given" to provide you with the best in handmade, modern goods for baby and mama. So this great Unique Boutique Challenge is to do just that. We are asking you to continue to be part of our team, a resource to grow Fruit and give boutiques across the country the opportunity to provide Fruit products to their customers.

Up until recently, we have only sold our products at our online store. In the last month, in addition to distributing to Beyond the Bum, several baby boutiques have asked to carry Fruit products in their retail stores. So we're opening up our market to the world of in-store retail and we're asking for your help.

The Challenge? Get a local or online baby boutique to carry Fruit products, and we'll give you a $100 Fruit gift certificate to use at our online store. The boutique must place a wholesale order (minimum $200) before you get your reward. The boutiques may be local to you or not (feel free to market while on vacation!), stateside or not (this challenge is open to our overseas customers as well!). The Challenge ends March 1, 2010. So go to it...put those marketing and salesman skills to work! Your gift certificate is waiting!

Need some print? We've got Fruit brochures, business cards and wholesale price lists we'll send to you to help you in your effort.Contact us at to let us know what you need, where to send them and if you have any other questions about the challenge.

We'll post winners and new boutiques carrying Fruit products as they join the team! Best of luck to all!

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