Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the sweatshop

Last week, when a friend asked how things were going in preparation for the March of Dimes event, she said to me, "So you kind of work in your own sweatshop, huh?" Um, yes, I guess I do. As I thought about her comment, I thought it might be fun for you to have a look-see inside this little sweatshop of mine. It isn't anything special to the outsider's eye, but for me, it is a place to work, to dream, to think, to create, to pray, to provide, to make a mess and clean it up endlessly, to pile products high and set hopes higher, to wonder where God will take this little business and how long He will keep me at it. It is a place of diligence and of faithfulness.

  1. 1-The Workhorse. My mom's sewing machine that handles an incredible amount of punishment in a day. (I'm saving for my own and hope it handles just as nicely as this one).
  2. 2-Finished diaper clutches, ready for packaging, buried under unfinished, but ready-to-sew burp cloths, buried under blanket backings. I am very organized in my piling.
  3. 3-Pending orders. Besides getting ready for the big event, I'm processing, making and sending out new orders. 
  4. 4-Bibs. Finished, but not rolled and wrapped. Tomorrow's project.
  5. 5-My little chest of goodies. Top drawer: fruity gum that my son likes to steal and minty gum and altoids that he doesn't like to steal because they are too "spicy". Second drawer: Delivery confirmation slips for shipping, extra fabric tags, glue stick for packaging. Bottom drawer: Pre-cut Velcro for quick use on diaper clutches and bibs.
  6. 6-The BIG box of minky fabric for blankets. It's oh so soft but oh so messy, so it gets its very own box.
  7. 7-Luke Smiley, "bringer of light". Luke is a little miracle baby, son of my dear friend Hillary, and an incredible testimony to our amazing creator God. Read his story here.
  8. 8-Tomorrow's start pile: finish 4 nursing covers.
  9. 9-Artwork from my two precious little fruits, Jack (4) and Ella (20 mo). Also, a hymn that has been my lifesong over the past two years: God Moves in a Mysterious Way.
This photo is one major part of my workspace. There is a closet to the left full of bolts and cuts of fabric. The rest of the room has its own piles. The kitchen counter has been housing my cutting mat for a week now and there are three plastic bins full of products ready to be packaged for LA in the hallway outside the door. And yes, I did clean up a little. If, from this photo, you are seeing fabrics you don't see on the website, well, this is some sneak peakage at the new line to be released in the next few days. Stay tuned...

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